Peaceful Bliss Symbol Art

Zazzle is known for their customer’s opportunity to personalize many products and for anyone who feels inspired to give these Language of Light workshops from their own home with the help of the Language of Light workbook might be inspired to buy the notebooks, journals or any other products that will enhance their workshops from home.

For example: A large Doodling sheet to practice on if your students do not want to draw into their journal just yet. Or people who do have my Language of Light workbook but do not want to draw in there.

Many of the designs I created for my ‘workshop from home’ project is to inspire facilitators to use the products as decor in their classroom or on T-shirts, for the kitchen, accessories and as separate journals and notebooks, they might want to sell during their workshop.

The direct link to the products with the Universal symbol of Peaceful Bliss  can be found here.

Here is the link to the Language of Light collection page at Zazzle  Language of Light collection at Zazzle,