Our Language of Light Symbols

Welcome to Nadine’s Language of Light Workshop Blog

Doodling our shadow work through our chakras.

It has always been Nadine’s intention to awaken the heart portal from within. The journals were inspired by the facilitator’s Art therapy workbook titled; the Language of Light. For a workable structure during our physical transformation, she has chosen the soul qualities for each chakra as a formula.

The three lower chakras do most of the shadow work (releasing negative experiences). Each journal is created to make this creative art therapy a fun process for each individual. 

Spiritual awakening involves opening the heart centre. It’s a process more closely associated with one’s true psychology, the mental, astral, emotional body, & soul.

Awakening the ability to separate our consciousness from our physical body.  ONLY Then can we skip all the artificial intelligence technologies.

The seven psychic powers of our soul are:

Telepathy – versus texting each other through artificial technologies.

Clairvoyance – versus artificial imagery by virtual reality manipulations

Clairaudience – versus hearing artificially created indoctrination agendas

Psychokinesis –  versus artificially influencing people without physical interaction

Teleportation – versus artificially travelling through only a material universe

Precognition – versus being unaware of past and future timelines.

Levitation – versus artificially controlled gravitations by the matrix

Is awakening those psychic gifts not more conducive to our spiritual transformation into the higher dimensional spheres?

We suggest listening to the video first to understand what Nadine’s doodle workshop is about. This video was made years ago during one of her mind-drawing doodle workshops… After you listen to the video, you realize the power behind our own doodling.

We are working with our 7 on the body chakras in this creative workshop project.

What are Chakras? 

Chakra’s are energy centres in the soul body, not the physical body. Still, they are connected, and these energy centres exchange mental thoughts (electric) and emotional feelings (magnetic) information continuously, in a complex way, in all our holographic reality fields.

The complexity of our energy exchange system in our soul (energy) systems and how this relates to our physical bodies is not easily explained. The basis of knowing how energy is passed between conscious energy forms, not only our physical bodies but also our soul bodies through our doodling, is not being taught, but most intuitively know it.

Chakra’s are a part of the soul body that gives birth to manifest physical bodies. Nadine’s journals take each individual on an inner spiritual portal journey through doodling and writing. At the end of each of the seven journals, a spinning and rotating card can be created as a form of initiation.

This blog will regularly post more writings on each Soul quality symbol essence.

Nadine’s first workbook was printed in greyscale in 2003 due to the cost of having it printed in full colour, but today in 2018, we now have the full-colour workbook available on Amazon.

The Language of Light symbols she used in her workbook and her journals is a universal cosmic language for anyone to use; they represent Humanities united quality energy fields, waveforms and particles. They are the energy movement between frequency bands or radio waves, yet these waves and energies are multidimensional and exist outside of linear space and time. That means that through the wave fields, we are intricately linked to each other, and woven into the fabric of the universe, as One. It is by our soul status ( how much our soul communicates through our higher self). We are now aware that we can alter the frequency of oscillation of the light waves and the vibration of the sound waves within our bodies. We all carry in our soul bodies through our thoughts and emotions.

This blog is for the people who like to do their own spiritual chakra doodling from home with the help of the individual chakra journals, or by having the main workbook, they could set up their own classrooms from home or any other venue.

Spiritual Portals of Consciousness

The Spiritual Portals are related to the chakras, and our evolution expands through our energy chakras. This Sanskrit word means ‘wheel’ or ‘center’ and refers to seven major spiritual energy centres of the soul body. We actually have 15 in the soul body. 7 “on the body” chakra’s and The 8th and 9th chakra’s pass through the Pineal gland from above the ears and our brains. There are many more minor energy channels, and they serve as Spiritual Portals of Consciousness, but in Nadine’s doodling journals, people work with their 7 “on the body” chakras. How we interact with our original spiritual-energetic Soul qualities defines these energy channels.

We now live during times when many of us have an opportunity to fully awaken. The most important thing is paying attention to and directing one’s thoughts, feelings, words and actions during our awakening. How we act towards others and speak kindness, gentleness, compassion and understanding matters. The more we embrace and interact with the language of our Soul, the more our disconnected DNA strands will reconnect again.

Portals of Consciousness.

Portals are spiralling electromagnetic doorways that connect two or more locations, dimensions, or points in time. Portals open into several layers of time or realities, including the astral world; the far reaches of physical and interstellar space; and alternate parallel universes. As one develops higher consciousness, one can travel, connect and communicate with anyone, anything, anywhere in the Universe, through the intention one creates that is directed through one’s personal consciousness. In Universal Consciousness, all are represented in energy and light signatures. The most profound light signature is Love. This vibration of light is the saving grace of all of humanity.  Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. By activating the spiritual heart, we enter a new world of expansion and joy.

Our responsibility is only to ourselves, firstly and secondly, to exercise love, consideration, compassion and understanding towards others. These are the laws of the universe, not given by gods to man, but are found in the very nature of god itself and the nature and construct of the universe, of which we are a part. There is no separation.

This information is absorbed through our seven energy chakras. We subconsciously “pick up” this information when they pass through us. By our awakening DNA status (thoughts and emotions), we pass this information through the light (thought) and sound (emotions), into the universe. Due to our descent into this physical third dimension over aeons of time, we fell into a forgetfulness due to our DNA being tampered with by other creators. Our energy bodies had been so fragmented and hijacked by a parasitical force our divine soul could only embody not more than 5 to 10% of its energy force. Dark entities easily possess the human body when our mental and emotional mind is fragmented. We’ve been messed with and manipulated by very hostile ET races. The result has been that we do not remember all the lifetimes we have incarnated repeatedly. The human race has had its memories erased of our past lives; our complete soul’s history has been wiped from our minds every time we incarnated back on Earth.

A battle occurs between the negative and the positive (Light and Dark). Remember, light means information and dark means lack of information. It has been proven scientifically that DNA changes its shape according to feelings. Negative feelings switch off the DNA codes, and the DNA responds by tightening up. And, of course, the DNA strands unwind, and the codes switch back on when we are experiencing heartfelt feelings.

The seven Art therapy doodling journals, with their Language of Light symbols in a holistic way, aim to enhance and advance our soul’s evolutionary journey by connecting us to our higher sense of self. Humans are waking up to this information; we are starting to tap into this knowledge of our past that’s hidden deep in our DNA, and our DNA is now being activated. Hence, the human Awakening is happening.
Activation of our DNA

Our DNA, a “double serpent” helix strand, is found in the nucleus of every human body cell. The nucleus or core of each cell contains all the information necessary to create our entire body and all our differentiated cells, but 97% of our DNA does “apparently” nothing. This so-called “junk” DNA contains the Light codes, sacred geometries and fire letters like the language of light codes that will assist us in bringing through every aspect of our multidimensional Selves, giving us the Cosmic Conscious awareness of ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

The truth is in the “I am” expression of who and what you are. It’s encoded and programmed into our DNA.

Join Nadine’s Doodling workshops through the seven doodling journals linked to her primary Language of Light workbook and meditation book.

Happy doodling

Namasté Nadine May

Then in 2021, Nadine’s husband Robin Beck – got very ill, and her time was taken up by nursing him back to his health so he could run the Kima global publishing company.

Her soul partner and publisher Robin Beck retired from publishing in 2022. All of Kima global book and ebook titles, including Nadine’s books and ebooks moved to Denmark.

Today Kima Global has become an imprint of epublishify.

Robin passed away in January 2023

One thought on “Our Language of Light Symbols

  1. Pingback: Start your own Doodling Workshop from home | Shopping for gifts

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